Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Messy-Real-Life: Filled with Grace and Mercy.

Does anyone else just lay in bed before getting up and think about how picture-perfect their day will be? I do this all the time… It’s like a movie in my mind before I get up. Every day… I wake up, have perfect hair, don’t struggle with finding an outfit that makes me feel gorgeous, never encounter a pimple on my face, don’t lose my keys or my phone… I always remember every single project that I’m working on… I always have the time to finish my to-do list. And when adversity hits me… I handle it like a champ! No big deal. My Fake-Life looks great in my morning dreams.
Goodbye, Fake-Beautiful-Life. Hello, Messy-Real-Life!

Today… Today is just an example:

I woke up super early (like 4:45am early). I was fiercely determined: I was going to get stuff done today. Beast-Mode: Activated.


  • Videos wouldn’t upload to Prezi at all.
  • They wouldn’t upload to YouTube properly.
  • Three hours later, I have two videos. Cannot use the one I really wanted to use.
  • I showered in record time! (Due to the fact that I forgot to rinse out shampoo… And conditioner.)
  • Spilled ice and water all over the kitchen.
  • Burned breakfast/snack/food.
  • Stumbled and spilled coffee on my way out the door.

But my day could only get better. It was only 9:15. It had to get better!

I run through the pouring rain so that I wouldn’t be any later to my meeting. Let me take a minute to let you know that when I say “run” I really mean this weird, awkward, hobble in heels while carrying a heavy bag and laptop and having no idea where I really needed to be going. When I finally reach the door, I walk through it and encounter this man. Whew! He’ll be able to tell me where I need to go… “I’m here for a meeting with Patrice! …?” Blank stare. Okay… Wrong name? Pam? No, I’m right, Patrice. Wrong day? What day is today? Wrong time? Why is he still staring at me?
Finally, I made it to the meeting with Patrice. I sat there with an awkward smile, nodding at the directions that were given, giving some of an opinion, and just dreaming of warm, dry clothes.

But my day was only going to get better. It was only 11:15. It had to get better!

I stopped for coffee at Starbucks, because I felt I deserved a non-fat, no-whip Salted Caramel Mocha.
I got it for free, because I waited so patiently for it. Finally, a break. My day is getting better! Thank you, Lord!

Bump! Splish. Splash. Hot coffee on legs. Drips on shirt.

Spoke too soon…

Don’t worry though: I have a shirt in the back seat from the weekend trip. (Glad I didn't take that bag inside!) It was only worn for an hour or two. I’m golden, right?

Two dark spots have now formed on my (cute) orange pants. 
Cool. I don’t even know what that looks like… But I do know that my face looked like this:

I made it to the office… I was fine, I would settle in and crank out some work. It was going to be a good day. Not even noon… I still had time to turn this around.

Office door! Sweet relief!
I looked around, seeing no one… I didn’t have the energy to walk around and find someone who would be willing to unlock the office door… So I end up back at Starbucks to continue working.

It took 2 more hours to figure out how to get Prezi and these videos to play well together. But I did it!
I realized that I forgot my to-do list at home, so I’m not sure exactly what all I need to complete.
And I have meetings until 8 or so tonight.

But you know… His Mercies are new every morning. 
And I am so beyond-words-thankful for that! 


  1. Oh, sweetpea. I'm so sorry, but I laughed. Glad you realize God's mercies are new every morning *and* every afternoon.

  2. Haha! No, I'm glad you laughed... I definitely did. What else do you do with a day like this? :)
